永山流水彩画法 (永山裕子 花と静物を描く - 基本と応用 -) [DVD]
The art of NAGAYAMA style water color painting (water color painting of flowers with still objects - learning basics & applying methods -)
定価 3,800円(税抜)
品番 NTC-0006
★2014年5月9日 全国有名画材店、アマゾンなどで 発売開始!
薔薇 [ハードカバー]
Roses [hardcover book] [ハードカバー]
永山裕子 (著), Yuko Nagayama (著)、ハードカバー:48ページ
永山作品の中で、特に人気の高い薔薇をモチーフに描いた、透明水彩作品 全39作品をおさめました。 様々な表情を見せる薔薇の美しさを一冊の本でお楽しみ頂けます。
It compiled a collection of 39 pieces of water color paintings by Nagayama, especially of a popular motif of rose among her works. It will make you enjoy the beauty of the various different expressions that roses have only in a book.
1963年 東京に生まれる
1985年 東京芸術大学油画科卒業、 安宅賞・大橋賞を受ける
1987年 東京芸術大学大学院(彼末 宏)修了
The President of Otsuka Atelier
1963: Born in Tokyo, Japan
1985: Graduated from Tokyo University of the Art, Department of oil painting - Received Ataka & Ohashi scholarship awards
1987: Completed the masters degree at the graduate school of Tokyo University of the Art (Prof. Hiroshi Kanosue)
永山流水彩画法 (永山裕子 果物と紫陽花を描く)[DVD]
The art of NAGAYAMA style water color painting (water color painting of fruits and hydrangeas)
永山裕子 (出演), Yuko Nagayama (出演) | 形式: DVD
本作は第一弾『永山流 水彩画法 -永山裕子 薔薇を描く-』に続き、画家・永山裕子のアトリエにおける水彩画の制作過程をさらに深く掘り下げて収録しております。作家本人が描きながら説明してくれるのでとてもわかりやすく、まるで教室で直接教わっているような臨場感があります。 今回は、“形のみかた・とらえかたのコツ“をテーマに、水彩画愛好家なら誰でも一度は描いてみたい紫陽花、果物、ガラス、蝋燭の炎など選び抜いたモチーフを丁寧に説明しながら描き上げていきます。
さらに、特典映像として前回好評だった全行程の早送り、水張りの実演、特殊技法としての下地材の活用実例など水彩画ファンのみならず見所満載の作品です。 何度も繰り返して観て、大いに“永山流”を楽しんでください。
This DVD is the sequel to the art of NAGAYAMA style water color painting (painting of roses by Yuko Nagayama). The filmed painter, Yuko Nagayama goes through the work process of water painting more thoroughly from her own studio. Since the painter herself paints and gives us demonstrations, it is easy to comprehend and it makes you feel as you are in a class taught in person. The theme of this DVD is to view and capture shapes, with detailed instructions, it shows us the way of painting motifs such as Hydrangeas, fruits, a cup of glass, candles, which fan of water color painting would like to paint for once. Further, the bonus footages include the fast-forward of the whole process, a demonstration of preparing paper, special techniques of utilizing the material. It is worth to see not only for fans of water color painting. Repeat as much as you desire to enjoy the NAGAYAMA style water color painting.
1963年 東京に生まれる
1985年 東京芸術大学油画科卒業、 安宅賞・大橋賞を受ける
1987年 東京芸術大学大学院(彼末 宏)修了
The President of Otsuka Atelier
1963: Born in Tokyo, Japan
1985: Graduated from Tokyo University of the Art, Department of oil painting - Received Ataka & Ohashi scholarship awards
1987: Completed the masters degree at the graduate school of Tokyo University of the Art (Prof. Hiroshi Kanosue)
永山流水彩画法 (永山裕子薔薇を描く) [DVD]
The art of NAGAYAMA style water color painting (water color painting of roses by Yuko Nagayama)
永山流水彩画法シリーズ第一弾。画家永山裕子のアトリエにおける水彩画の制作過程を初公開。作家本人による解説とともに制作細部にわたって収録しました。 どんな色を使いどこからどう書いてゆくのか、道具は何を使っているのか、モチーフ選びのコツなども詳しく解説。永山裕子ファンならずとも、水彩画愛好家必見の永久保存DVDです。 展覧会や本では知ることができない永山裕子の世界を解き明かしました。 発売以来5年超ロングセラーの名作DVDです。
This is the Vol.1 DVD of The art of NAGAYAMA style water color painting. Yuko Nagayama is the most established water painting artist in Japan. For the first time from her own atelier, she unveils the work process of Nagayama style water color painting. What color to use, where to start, what tools she uses, how to select a motif, the painter describes and demonstrates in details of the painting process. Not only for fans of Yuko Nagayama, It is the must-see DVD for the all water color painting fans. She let us see the world of Yuko Nagayama by a way, not a book or a visit to an art exhibition will be able to unveil. This celebrated DVD has been the long-seller for five years since its release. Chapter: 1.Introduction 2.Plan (techniques of underdrawing) 3.Groundwork (techniques of blurring and shading off) 4.White (techniques of not painting) 5.Detail (techniques of detailing) 6.Fiish (Objective verification) 7.Ending Bonus Footage: selection of motifs, gallery of Nagayama works, the fast-forward of the whole process
ジャンルにとらわれない活躍が国内外で高い評価を得ている画家永山裕子。シリーズとなった[永山流水彩画法]の第一弾「永山裕子 薔薇を描く」は発売以来5年、超ロングセラーDVDとして水彩画を志す人々の道しるべとなっています。画家永山裕子が自身が切り開いてきた永山流(オンリーワン)画法をわかりやすく、また丁寧に、かつ惜しげもなくすべてを伝えたいと強い思いを持って取り組んだこのDVDは、まさに年月をこえて名作といえるでしょう。海外の永山裕子ファンからも切望されている1本です。
Yuko Nagayama is a celebrated painter. Her activities unconstrained by genre are regarded highly both domestically as well as internationally. The vol. 1 of Nagayama style water color painting which became a series as it became a long-seller DVD, is the milestone for those who aspire to do water color painting. The painter, Yuko Nagayama to be understood easily, intended to share unsparingly and closely her own style, “Nagayama-Ryu”, she have carved out herself. This celebrated DVD is to be the classic over the years.
第一弾の発表から5年、日本の水彩画DVDの先駆としてレジェンドの地位を確立した『永山流 水彩画法』シリーズ。 第四弾目は、基本にもどって“もう一度、水彩画を最初から”というコンセプトで、進化した“永山流”を丁寧にわかり易く解き明かしていきます。 基本編と応用編の二部構成になりました。 基本編では、金属、ガラス、陶器など質感ごとにモチーフをひとつずつ描いて説明する形で進行し、初心者の疑問にも丁寧に対応しています。 応用編では、花、果物、金属、ガラス、陶器という組み合わせで、トータルの絵作りに至る深い解説と実演をご覧いただけます。 初めての方には水彩画の楽しさを、経験者には新たな発見を。 日本を代表する水彩画のマエストロだからこそ可能になった、究極のDVDチュートリアルをお楽しみください!
It has been fIve years since the release of the vol. 1, the art of "NAGAYAMA" style water color painting became the foremost and established as legendary DVD series.
The vol. 4 brings us back once again to the Nagayama Style key basics and reveals it from the beginning with her detailed and very easy-to-understand demonstrations of her ever-evolving noted methods.
It consists of 2 chapters, "Learn Basic" ?and "Applying methods". Chapter1: Learn Basic explains how to water paint metal, glass and ceramic pieces by drawing each motif with different texture. Going through one by one, Nagayama answers carefully to the frequently asked questions even for who just starting water color painting.
Chapter 2: Applying methods goes further in detail. With her thorough description and demonstrations of her techniques, it shows how to put a total piece together, containing flowers, fruits, metal, glass and ceramic pieces. ? For the people who watch the Nagayama Style for the first time, it brings the great joy and satisfaction, and for experienced water color painters, it leads you to the new discovery into the world of NAGAYANMA style water color painting.
Please enjoy the the ultimate tutorial DVD made for everyone, which only Yuko Nagayama, the Maestro representing Japan made possible